
Welcome to my blog. I write stuff down so I don't forget it. Things like: my adventures in travel, lifestyle, friends, family and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

A Toast to Change

A Toast to Change

Marni moved. She went through a divorce and just sold the house she, her son and ex spent the past 10+ years in.

For her friends, it seemed to be the easy and logical next step; leave the memories behind – start fresh. For Marni, not so easy. It was another thing in the long list of changes Marni had to adjust to. Another thing she had not seen happening so soon. Another thing to get over.

It’s done now. She moved into a super-fab apartment close to Redondo Beach Marina. Deb and I rode our bikes over there today on this gorgeous sunny Sunday to see Marni’s new place. Deb on her blue cruiser and me on my pink one; my white basket carrying a bottle of Veuve Clicquot, glasses and juice for mimosas. It was a little surprise for our friend’s house warming. Marni did not know I was bringing Deb nor the champs.

She greeted us at the security gate. Her apartment was a few short steps away. As we entered the apartment, it opened to a downright lovely living room and back deck with a pretty flower bed looking out to manicured rolling hills, and the marina.

Deb said, “I like this better than your house!”

“Pop!” Deb opened the champagne; we soaked up the sun on the deck and drank down the mimosas. We talked about stuff and remarked how Marni’s new place will provide opportunities to meet new people and be more active, which included biking with us. We finished our visit – hug, hug, kiss, kiss.

I am so happy for Marni. I know this change will be good.

Deb and I biked home chatting as we rode along; I led. She yelled up to me. “I LOVE riding my bike!” I agreed, “Me too!”




On Blessings

On Blessings

Remembering Nicah

Remembering Nicah