
Welcome to my blog. I write stuff down so I don't forget it. Things like: my adventures in travel, lifestyle, friends, family and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Call Me "Teach"

Call Me "Teach"

I love teaching my metalsmithing class at Moxie in Santa Monica.  Today’s class was under capacity – 4 as opposed to 7. The studio is tiny, so the extra space was welcome. I got to sit at one of the work benches to do my demos instead of at the very unsteady podium. I like sitting next to the students.

I find it interesting how each class is completely different – made so, of course, by the students. Metalsmithing requires a dexterity that comes with practice. But the real “tool” in the metalsmithing arsenal is “vision”. You don’t really need to be creative, you just need to be inspired. And today’s class came with vision.

Magda brought  these wax leaves that she wanted to recreate in metal.

Gail had an image of earrings on her phone.

Gina wanted to recreate a necklace she lost.

…and Debbie took one of my designs and made it her own.

Magda's project: earrings

Magda's project: earrings

At the end of the day, everyone left with a finished piece and two of the students stayed later with me as I worked on some other pieces for customers.


Is it Sad?

Is it Sad?