
Welcome to my blog. I write stuff down so I don't forget it. Things like: my adventures in travel, lifestyle, friends, family and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

"You're Like 1000 Years Old"

"You're Like 1000 Years Old"

“You’re like a 1000 years old”, he said when I told him my age, followed by “You’re ancient” and some other stuff that was pretty amusing. Then, he made the announcement to one friend and it spread like a game of telephone from one guy to the next and the next and so on.

There were about a baker’s dozen of Brits and Irish there for a friend’s wedding ranging in age from 28 to 36 – the majority were ex-pats living in Singapore. We met Lee and his friends at the Renaissance in Phuket our first night, of a two night stay.

Wendy, Lissa and I went to the lobby bar after a late check-in. We were chatting when Wendy got pelted with a couple cashews from across the bar. She said, “that’s like a boy pulling your hair in grammar school.” Lee, an Irishman, eventually came over and asked us to sit down with his friends.

Anyway, after the initial shock and awe – c’mon guys I’m 48, not 68, everyone there was quite complimentary of how gracefully I am aging. It did put the girls in a bit of a spot because they wanted to know how hold Wendy and Lissa were. Wendy divulged and Lissa lied as she always does. 

Eventually, we got past it. The commotion died down and glasses were raised. We had a great time getting to know these gents – Charles, Lee, Mike, Nick, Leon…and the other names escape me – perfectly cheeky and utterly harmless. The BEST parts of traveling are the people you meet and the connections you make – it’s all a part of enhancing the experience. Sure, the three of us make our own fun, but MORE is merrier.


There Was No Plan

There Was No Plan

Bankok Airport Dash

Bankok Airport Dash