
Welcome to my blog. I write stuff down so I don't forget it. Things like: my adventures in travel, lifestyle, friends, family and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Bankok Airport Dash

Bankok Airport Dash

Our travel to Phuket was without incident, but there was a funny bit connecting in Bangkok. When we exited the plane, there was a woman in a Bangkok Air uniform standing at the end of the jet way holding a piece of paper with our names on it. We don’t know why, but she was there to accompany us to our connecting flight.

She confirmed who we were, then, she shot off like she was in the race of her life. She kept her head down and was talking into her walkie-talkie. We dashed from terminal to terminal, moving sidewalk after moving sidewalk – all the while laughing between “excuse me’s” as we ducked and dodged anyone in our way.

There was a desperate urgency to keep up with this lady who clearly did not care whether we were following her or not. Several minutes in, our faces were glistening with sweat, our legs were sore, our bags heavier and we were pretty sure we must be walking all the way to Phuket.

As abruptly as we started, we stopped at a small ticket counter. Wendy asked if we were going to miss our flight because surely that accounted for the run-for-your-life-spastic-sprint across Bangkok airport. “Your flight boards in 40 minutes.” What the fu%@?! And off she walked nice and leisurely-like. In the distance we saw her remove her uniform jacket – a vertical line of sweat on her back confirmed she was not as cool as she appeared.

"You're Like 1000 Years Old"

"You're Like 1000 Years Old"

Toomey Time!

Toomey Time!