
Welcome to my blog. I write stuff down so I don't forget it. Things like: my adventures in travel, lifestyle, friends, family and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Toomey Time!

Toomey Time!

Okay, so I know we are in Hong Kong for Mary’s wedding and all, but there are so many PERKS to being here for our dear Mary’s nuptials. Sue and John Toomey (and son George) are perks on steroids.

These are two of the most beloved people I know. Everyone adores the Toomeys and of course, I am included.  John picked us up at the airport – the first impression of Hong Kong was his smiling face as we got out of immigration. We waited for another friend Peggy arriving from Chicago, then John whisked us away (well, the driver he hired did) to their home.

Sue was at the door when we arrived, armed with wine and warm hugs. Their flat is just gorgeous. A sitting area off the living room has a sliding glass window that completely opens to a tree framed view of the city.  On cue, lightening struck and the sky opened up. The room was aglow with candle light; music the sexy sound of rain  bursts of laughter and excited conversation filled the room.

Is this really happening? Are we REALLY here?

John did the liberal pouring of wine and booze. The effects of the alcohol kicked in rather fast. All of a sudden, Mary arrived with Wendy – more surreal hugs and kisses.

There was a point when I was going to lie down and I thought better of it – asking, “excuse me sir, may I have another?” We stayed until 1am, took a taxi to Mary’s, popped a bottle of champagne and acted like fools until 4am.

Day 1 – 10 more to go!

Lissa and Mary at Mary's flat. 

Lissa and Mary at Mary's flat. 

Bankok Airport Dash

Bankok Airport Dash

