
Welcome to my blog. I write stuff down so I don't forget it. Things like: my adventures in travel, lifestyle, friends, family and food. Hope you have a nice stay!



Are we there yet? 14 hours up in the air became unbearable around hour 8. The prospect of 6 more hours to go was a bummer until Life of Pi was shown – I liked it! Fortunately, the middle seat was open and the gentleman in the aisle seat was a mini man.

The lack of size between the two of us made the travel pretty comfy. I woke up from a nap and took a peek out the window. I was struck by the view! I assumed we would be flying over water. When I saw the snow, I immediately thought of the line from SNL made famous by Tina Fey playing Sarah Palin – “I can see Russia from my window.”

Poor Lissa; she swelled-up and her poor ankles were like kankles.

Toomey Time!

Toomey Time!

Is it Sad?

Is it Sad?